Proclamation at, University of Liverpool Mark Lodge, No1062
Liverpool University Mark Lodge, No 1062; held their Installation meeting on Monday 19th February at the Lodge’s new meeting place;  The Athenaeum Club in Liverpool. Representing the RW Provincial Grand Master was WBro Peter Taffe and this surprisingly was his first time acting has a representative. It was therefore fitting that on this occasion he was accompanied by three of the PGM’s Special Reps; WBro Steve Walls who is responsible for the Liverpool Group of Mark Lodges;  VWBro Maurice Evans, Southport and Ormskirk Group and WBro Steve Lyon newly appointed rep for the Garston Group.
A trio of Special Reps
WBro John Ryan was staying in the Master’s Chair and so it was just a proclamation ceremony, and so the Lodge decided to fill out the meeting with an advancement ceremony. Fortunately, University Mark has an influx of new candidates waiting to join the Mark Degree.
Steve Walls; John Ryan; Peter Taffe
With VWBro Maurice Evans, acting as the Senior Warden for the evening and WBro Steve Lyon acting as the Chaplain, the Master opened the Lodge. With the Lodge opened there was an In Memoriam for WBro David Winder, G.Stwd, RAMGR, APGM; and the brethren stood in remembrance. Once the domestic business was out of the way and the salutations complete; the acting DC, WBro Derek Gaskell proclaimed WBro John Ryan; Master of Liverpool University Mark Lodge, No 1062 for the ensuing year and then a new team of offices were appointed. WBro John Ryan has preformed numerous advancement ceremonies but in the new team were there those with slightly less experience.
Occupying the Junior Overseers chair was Bro Adam McQuire and this was only his second meeting and the newly appointed Senior Deacon, Bro Wayne Warnick third meeting. There was the knock on the door and the advancement was underway. The candidate, Bro Ian Jones was announced and then met in the correct manner.
Steve; Ian Jones; WM
WBro Ryan’s experience showed as he worked his way through the ceremony. Bro’s Adam McQuire and Bro Wayne Warnick, enthusiasm stood out and bodes well for University Mark Lodge. At the completion of ceremony, Bro Ian Jones was welcomed into the Mark Degree by WBro Steve Walls and presented with his letter of welcome from RWBro Keith Beardmore. Bro Ian was also invited to Provincial Grand Lodge on 2nd May in Blackpool.
With Bro Ian Jones safely in his seat, and with a slight chance in the protocol for the addresses, WBro Peter Taffe gave an excellent address to the Brethren. During the risings, WBro Peter Taffe also presented Bro’s Adam McQuire and Bro Wayne Warnick, with their Grand Lodge certificates.
Wyan Warnick; Ian Jones; WM; Adam McQuire

With another candidate due to be advanced at the April meeting it looks like Liverpool University Mark Lodge, No1062 recruitment plan is working. We wish the Master, WBro John Ryan and University Mark Lodge, a happy and successful year. It is also hoped that Bro Ian Jones will have a long and happy time in the Mark Degree.

Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell.